vasil burak notes

when i don’t want to face being awake, i struggle with waking up early. when i’m excited about my life, it’s much easier.

18 Aug, 2023

whenever i see something beautiful, i want you to see it too

18 Aug, 2023

i've always considered myself a community-minded person. but am i actually? are two people considered a community? because i feel like one is the maximum number of healthy relationships i can sustain.

02 Aug, 2023

i’m afraid that i’m too shallow to actually generate any interest, to be the one people go to for advice or opinion.

02 Aug, 2023

my palms have a memory of their own

01 Aug, 2023

i want to be alone. i don't want to be lonely. even when i feel nothing, i feel it completely. i second-guess every decision i make and every thought i have. i'm afraid to ask for help sometimes. i'm afraid to be judged or called a freak. i need constant reassurance and it's embarrassing. i don't want to be this way anymore, sorry...

31 Jul, 2023

i’m telling the browser that i’m a human, though i'm not sure that i still am

15 Mar, 2023

I've been thinking about the border between friend love and romantic love for a long time... and maybe it's not even a border, maybe it's more like unknown territory... I think we lack a vocabulary to describe all the subtle nuances and forms that relationships can take...

anyway, I find it a shame that friendship is often on the sidelines, e.g. phrases like "we are just friends" or "friendship with benefits" — as if friendship alone isn't enough, isn't a benefit on its own...

14 Mar, 2023

argumentation will achieve nothing; we must create symbols, make myths, and imagine miracles

14 Mar, 2023

select individuals who could bring a small part of the divine into the mundane.

14 Mar, 2023