Vasil Burak

Person, Designer


Feed of my unfiltered notes.

I’m confronting the void, and coming out the other side every day.

death is just one really bad day
between living and something new

finding new ways to appreciate someone requires intelligence

pinky promise

i can manipulate people so easily. i always know what they wanna hear. but i’m also people pleaser. i’m the one i am manipulating the most. that’s the reason why i’m so attracted to people lot smarter or at least more stubborn than me. i know i can me myself with them, because there’s no way to trick them into liking me.

on my way to the office. first day of my new job. gut feeling says it’s good.

structured deep learning

social peer learning

single sessions


i hate when someone makes false assumptions about me and treats me based on those assumptions

they are different names for the same thing
