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Vasil Burak

Person, Designer

13 jul, 2024

today left me with a rather pleasant feeling. waking up was tough, as the recent heat makes me feel like a wilted flower in the mornings. Plus, I've been feeling unwell the last few days, which led to a vicious cycle of mess at home that made my mood even worse. but today, I managed to get everything sorted — I cleaned and washed and organized, so I'm back on track and feeling relieved.

I also took the plunge and sent the first two cold emails offering my design/developer services, and it went smoothly. I'm writing many emails lately, and the thrill isn't as intense as before, similar to making phone calls. easy. but it shouldn't surprise me, I know I have this whateverness inside that I somehow forgot how to use in the past couple of years.

another email I sent was to oxford university press, inquiring about publishing a czech version of "A Pattern Language" and "The Timeless Way of Building" by Christopher Alexander. I think especially "A Pattern Language" could be useful for example for my parents who don't speak English, and are struggling with "making a home".

I saw this video by Van Neistat about his boots; apparently, he's been wearing his for 17 years? I did a bit of research and the idea is appealing, but the prices are steep — maybe someday. It's odd because I know I've spent similar amounts annually on low-quality shoes, but paying it all at once feels different.

I'm considering removing "fashion" from my wardrobe, aiming for timeless, quality, replicable pieces.