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Vasil Burak

Person, Designer

02 oct, 2023

uff, i didn't even notice how long i've been skipping journaling 🙈

so much is happening, but i struggle to capture it all properly. september was a wild ridd – new home, new job... packed weekends. weddings, work, reunions with long-lost friends, and those i won't see for a while. plus, there are those i wish i could see daily but can't due to work.

i'm surprised by how little i miss brno. i miss my friends there, don't get me wrong. it's more about the place, the atmosphere... i never really rooted myself there. my friends are settling down, getting engaged, taking out mortgages, and having kids... i'm trying not to let it overwhelm me. it's remarkable how swiftly life can change, a tiny detail altering its course. it's amusing to think we have control over the outcome.

i aim to savor the journey, wherever it leads.

take care 🌱