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Vasil Burak

Person, Designer

20 sep, 2023

Today was a great day! I left work early because I had to let in a person who was coming to fix my blinds at home. They finished quickly, so I could head out to work on something else. I was recommended a nearby cafe with a cozy inner courtyard. There, I worked on some tasks and had discussions with K about our new tool - freestyle designing and coding, which is always fantastic. I was so engrossed that I almost forgot about my woodworking workshop. I managed to make it, but initially, I went to the wrong address, which is typical of me.

The course took place in a community workshop in the center of Prague. There were six participants, and the course was conducted in English. We got acquainted with the workshop's equipment and then started working. Working on your own projects is great because it's where you learn the most. I was the only man in the group, which can be tricky because I didn't want to be the "know-it-all" guy who pushes to be in charge. However, I'm eager to learn and not too shy when it comes to stuff im interested to, so I hoped to strike the right balance between expressing myself and creating a safe space for others.

I decided to make a picture frame, something I've been talking about for a while. My first attempt had some flaws, but overall, I'm satisfied. I definitely want to deepen my knowledge and skills in this area. Right now, I'm researching what a "supernormal bench" should look like.

Working with my hands on a project with a clear purpose and definition of done, like making a frame, is incredibly relaxing. No analysis, no statistics, just the beauty of crafting. These spaces need to have an easy entry, and this one seems to do it right. You pay the fee, come in, and start working. The wood is available, making it ideal for small projects and experimentation.

I'll keep you updated.

Take care! 🌱