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Vasil Burak

Person, Designer

17 sep, 2023

Today, I'm spending my first night in a new apartment. For now, I call it the Scandinavian Crackhouse because I haven't fully moved in yet due to floor replacement, so I'm sleeping on the floor. The only things filling the emptiness are a few items from IKEA. It's great to be in my own space, even if it's not ideal.

I'm lying here and thinking about love, marriage, and family. I'm pondering what these concepts mean to me. What aspects truly define them, what's just a societal convention, and what's problematic. For example, marriage has always seemed a bit icky to me because of its history – originally a matter of property, and only later did romance add another dimension. Can this institution be completely detached from this historical baggage? I'm all for rituals and tokens of love, but not necessarily the traditional ones…

to be continued…, take care! 🌱