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Vasil Burak

Person, Designer

12 apr, 2023

Wow, I don't even know how that happened. I thought I skipped like a day or two and then it suddenly became two weeks.

I was with family in Liberec for a week and now I'm back in Brno. So I’ll be hopefully able to get back in the rhythm of my rituals.

It's strange to come home and yet still feel somehow distant. It's as if the place I came to is not the same place I left. But it’s not the same for a while. I feel like I'm just a visitor in the apartment I used to call home. I guess it’s because the sensation of feeling at home was for more in the people rather then in the material world.

I'm thinking about what to do next. Stay? Start somewhere else? I don't know how to decide.

Take care, anyway 🌱